Friday, March 19, 2010

Walking on Sunshine

We'll it's been a couple days since I posted. I survied the 3 friend's birthdays this past weekend. Ya, I had some cocktails - but hey what you going to do. I've been back on track with jogging which feelgs good and I recently (on nice days) have started to walk home from my office.

I have a couple big deadlines due here at work, so i'll update more in a bit.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Its now time to spin for your life

So last night I returned to spinning class. I was all excited, i brought clothes to change into at work, I got off the metro one stop early and walked to the gym. Got there - saw my trainer, we worked it on the treadmill for 15 minutes before class. I set up my bike and the instructor walks in - it wasn't Erica. He was alright and I got a good workout in, but I hope Erica's back next week. I love the feeling after the class is done - 45 minutes of hills, sprints, and multiple levels and afterwards you feel great.

Following the gym, I went home and relaxed before walking to Gtown with a buddy. Things are on the path to being back on track and that feels good as well.

Anyway - that's my update for now... BAI!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So kissable

Took this pic today (I know you hate it Jaime) but I kinda like it.... about to change up and get ready to head to the gym.

And So It Continues....

Well hello. I"m Matt and I'm from DC. In October 08 I started a journey to get healthier and lose weight. In the course of that year, with the help of Weight Watchers, a great trainer, and some motivational friends, I was able to lose about 80 pounds. The new lighter me was able to do things I never thought possible (run a 5k, fit into smaller clothes, be more self confident).

Now about 16 months later, I've kept the weight off, but for the past 4 months I havn't really been energized to continue. That changes today. I'm motivated to "get back up on the horse", create new goals, and continue to achieve a healthier lifestyle. I hope to use this blog as a sense of accountabilty and a way to detail my story. While, I know from experience, the blogging or the weight loss won't be easy - - it's something that will happen.

Tonight - I return to my spinning class at the Washington Sports Club. We'll see how I do. I'm excited at the propsect of going for jogs in this beautiful weather.

Goals - with my birthday about 3 months away - I'd like to set a goal of losing 25 pounds by then. Let's make that happen.

One thing I should mention about me and my blogging (as my good friend Jaime would tell you) - I tend to ramble and which topics easily - so you'll need to fasten your seatbelt -- we're heading full speed ahead.

I hope you'll join me for the ride. It will be fun, there will be pictures, possibly receipes, potentially juicy gossip, but most interesting - you'll get to experience a really important part of my life. I look forward to sharing it with you.
